Live Life Happy 15 January 2019

Sustainable Sewing – Learn More

Brand new to ACE this summer is Sustainable Sewing!

A brilliant short course designed so you can learn how to create reusable solutions and reduce environmental impact. Students will be using secondhand materials in an effort to curb the amount of textiles going into landfill and give them a new, useful life. Learn to cut, piece, sew and topstitch as well as basic embellishing techniques.

Everyone will be making needlebooks, reusable makeup removers, fabric fruit and veg bags, a few stash-busting sessions and more. Sustainable Sewing will appeal to anyone who loves DIY and is environmentally minded, is suitable for beginners, a basic knowledge of your own sewing machine would be beneficial.

BYO Sewing Machine.

Bec Massey owns Thready Set Go, a small sewing business that takes pride in turning remnants and vintage fabrics into a small line of reusable everyday products. Bec is thrilled to be delivering this new lifestyle course at ACE Lismore in 2019. For more on sustainable sewing visit or follow Bec on social media.

Learn more about Sustainable Sewing.

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