Our women’s workshops in Certificate II in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts are in full swing, and just in time for NAIDOC Week celebrations which kicked off today.
Creativity is flowing at ACE Lismore HQ, as students develop technical skills in drawing, painting and printmaking. As the weeks progress, our amazing students will expand their understanding of visual arts and craft practice and connect with their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity.
A theme which carries into 2020 NAIDOC Week Always Was, Always Will Be, honouring the spiritual and cultural connection of the First Nations people to the country as the first explorers, navigators and artists is providing a real source of inspiration for the class.
Everyone is loving the brilliant female-led mentoring by Aboriginal artist Amelia Bolt and Northern Rivers local artist Anne Leon. A whole lot of fun is being packed into an extremely rewarding qualification to power up the possibility of our talented students.
We can’t wait to see your completed works. #NAIDOCWeek2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe