Reduce, reuse, recycle, we can all make a difference. This course has been designed so you can learn how to create reusable solutions and reduce environmental impact. Once you have a grasp of sewing basics, the options are endless.
Learn to cut, piece, sew and topstitch as well as basic embellishing techniques. Students will be making the most of second-hand materials and in doing so will be helping to reduce the amount of textiles going into landfill and give them a new, useful life.
Sessions include making needlebooks, reusable makeup removers, fabric fruit and veg bags, plus some stash-busting sessions. Sustainable Sewing will appeal to anyone who loves DIY and is environmentally minded, is suitable for beginners, a basic knowledge of your own sewing machine would be very beneficial.
Bec Massey owns Thready Set Go, a small sewing business that takes pride in turning remnants and vintage fabrics into a small line of reusable everyday products. Bec is thrilled to be delivering this lifestyle course at ACE Lismore.
BYO Sewing Machine; Material Fees $30.
Available in Lismore. see below for details