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Community services is an essential sector which is constantly evolving in response to Community need and Government policy direction. This means that the skills of people working in the community services space require frequent refreshing.

Investing in your professional development or that of your work team delivers both short and long-term benefits. Let’s unpack that – in the short-term skill gaps are quickly addressed and workplace knowledge is kept current. In the long term, employees feel more valued and more likely to remain in the organisation for longer periods.

These short course packages can be tailored to suit the strengths, challenges and needs of everyone. All training sessions are interactive, based on adult learning principles and are facilitated by skilled and experienced trainers.


• Professional boundaries
• Documentation and report writing
• Effective workplace communication
• Promoting independence
• Working from a families perspective
• Emotional intelligence
• Supervising others
• Volunteering: Understanding the expectations of working with People
• Positive behaviour support
• Disability awareness training – for staff.

For further information please contact the ACE Community Colleges customer care team.

Available in Lismore. see below for details

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Location: Lismore
Info: Thank you for your interest in this course. Please contact our customer care team for more information.