Policy Information: Full fees are payable unless concessional rates are justified. Fees for funded courses will be levied in accord with government guidelines. Refer to the ACE Student Handbook for information on what is covered/not covered by course fees. Course fees are published in ACE course book and online www.acecolleges.edu.au. A fee schedule is also available from ACE College administration centres in Lismore and Burleigh Waters.
Fee/Charges: Course fees are published in ACE course books and online www.acecolleges.edu.au. A fee schedule for the current term is also available from the College administration Centres is Lismore and Burleigh Waters. Course fees are payable upon enrolment and cover the following:
Payment of course fees does not entitle the student to:
Policy Information: Qualification prerequisites and other entry requirements must be satisfied prior to enrolment in a qualification. Government funding is not provided for gap training and bridging courses, including delivery/assessment of prerequisite units. Delivery/assessment of prerequisites.
Notes/Guidance: Government funding is not provided for gap training and bridging courses, including delivery/assessment of prerequisite units. Delivery/assessment of prerequisites.
Fee/Charges: Delivery/assessment of prerequisites are not covered by course fees. Price on application.
Policy Information: Credit transfer is available to students enroled in full qualifications only, for up to 80% of the target qualification, provided units meet packaging rules.
Notes/Guidance: Credit transfer is relevant where existing qualifications held include competencies formally recognised as equivalent/identical to qualification components sought.
Fee/Charges: No charge is levied as no formal assessment takes place.
Policy Information: RPL is available as an assessment-only alternative where students hold sufficient independent evidence of their existing skills and knowledge to demonstrate competence. The RPL process is relevant to knowledge, skills and experience gained at work and through learning accomplished in other industry and academic contexts. Price on application as costs will vary depending on the units involved and time required to complete the process.
Notes/Guidance: The RPL process is relevant to knowledge, skills and experience gained at work and through learning accomplished in other industry and academic contexts.
Fee/Charges: Price on application as costs will vary depending on the units involved and time required to complete the process. Where RPL is applied for as part of an advertised qualification, the combined fee (RPL and training) will not exceed the maximum course fee.
Policy Information: A charge may be levied, or students asked to supply certain materials themselves, at the discretion of college management. Relevant to a minority of courses only. Does not apply to essential course texts or assessment materials. Relevant charges are advertised in course advice is also provided prior to
Notes/Guidance: Relevant to a minority of courses only. Does not apply to essential course texts or assessment materials. Relevant charges are advertised in course advice is also provided prior to
Fee/Charges: Relevant charges are advertised in course guides and on the organisation’s website; advice is also provided prior to enrolment.
Policy Information: An administration fee will be deducted from the refund amount (if any is payable) where students elect to cancel their enrolment in a course of study. This fee is not levied where courses are cancelled by us.
Notes/Guidance: A refund is guaranteed only where courses are cancelled by us or where notice of withdrawal is received at least five working days prior to course commencement.
Fee/Charges: $50
Notes/Guidance: Issued upon request once proof of identity has been established. Original issue and re-issue dates will appear on certification.
Fee/Charges: Full re-issue: $25 per document Plain paper photocopy: $5 per copy
Policy Information: General documents such as receipts, invoices and confirmations of enrolment/attendance may be re-issued without charge.
Notes/Guidance: Issued upon request once proof of identity has been established.
Fee/Charges: Free of charge
Most courses are delivered on a fee-for-service basis, funded by students through the payment of course fees. Occasionally, however, governments provide funding to meet strategic and/or regional training priorities. Eligible students enroling in these subsidised programmes will normally be charged an administration fee and sometimes a materials fee. Non-eligible students may participate in these programmes but will be required to pay the full fee. Refer to the appendices at the back of this handbook for information on government subsidies currently available.
Prospective students are required to complete an enrolment application form, provide relevant personal details and other essential information and have their eligibility for enrolment confirmed in order for their application to be accepted. Students must also demonstrate that their language, literacy and numeracy capabilities are appropriate to the course level and content. Applicants are then asked to pay the course fee (or a proportion thereof see the sections below on fee payments and payment plans) or obtain a purchase order from their employer or employment consultant so that they may be invoiced. An enrolment is not confirmed until payment or an official purchase order is received.
Standard payment options include:
Payments involving purchase orders:
For all enrolments, the full course fee must be paid unless:
A payment plan must be arranged where the full cost of a course is greater than $1500. ACE is unable to accept payments in advance greater than this amount. For courses costing under $1500, you may be able to arrange a payment plan if you are unable to pay the full course fee in one payment. This option needs to be negotiated with the college administration.
Eligibility requirements for student assistance external to the college (e.g. Austudy, Youth Allowance, and Abstudy) may vary across agencies (e.g. Centrelink and Veterans’ Affairs). Prior to enrolment, it is your responsibility to discuss your study options and requirements with the relevant agency.
If your repayments become overdue or you have a financial debt to the organisation, you may not be eligible to undertake further assessment, continue in the course or enrol into further study. Equally, Certificates and Statements of Attainment will not be issued until your financial debt has been cleared.
You must re-enrol and pay the commensurate fee if you require additional/remedial training or assessment as a result of failure to complete a course or meet submission deadlines for assessment items. The organisation does not offer course extensions in these circumstances.
ACE aims, at all times, to minimise disruption to students undertaking training at any of its colleges or other locations. Where unforeseen and unavoidable, however, ACE will undertake to advise students of new arrangements at the earliest opportunity. This may include changes to timetables or personnel due to illness or revisions to course materials, third party provider arrangements or any other change likely to affect participants. The nature of the change will determine how students will be notified. Students are advised to keep personal details up-to-date to facilitate communications.
Courses commence once a viability threshold has been passed and a minimum number of students have enrolled. Once begun, ACE guarantees to complete the course within the period advertised. Should the trainer or third party provider be unable to fulfil commitments, ACE will arrange for a replacement or take other steps necessary to ensure all enrolled students are able to complete their studies. Where this is not possible, a pro rata refund will be issued for any training not completed.
If a course is cancelled by the organisation for any reason, enrolled students will be advised as soon as possible, either by telephone or email(it is the student’s responsibility to provide us with correct contact details and to update them in the event of any change). All fees paid in connection with any course cancelled by us prior to its commencement will be refunded in full without deduction.
Where a course fills before a payment has been received or processed, that payment will be returned or refunded in full without deduction.
Where a student wishes to cancel or transfer an enrolment, and written advice to this effect is received at least five working days prior to course commencement, fees paid will be refunded less a $50 charge for administration. Students wishing to cancel an enrolment fewer than five days prior to their course commencing, or at any time after commencement, are not entitled to a refund. A refund may also be paid, at the discretion of the local college manager and on
A refund may also be paid, at the discretion of the local college manager and on application in writing, where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. If approved, fees paid will be refunded less a $50 charge for administration.
In the unlikely event that ACE ceases trading or defaults on its responsibility to provide the agreed training services, and the student has not withdrawn prior to the date of default, enroled students will be offered a place in a suitable alternative course at another college at no extra cost. Alternatively, students may elect to receive a refund of all unexpended prepaid tuition fees. This refund will be paid to the student within two weeks of the day on which the course ceased being provided.
Students entitled to receive a refund will be paid the refund amount due unless they advise the organisation otherwise. For example, students may elect to transfer their enrolment to another course of equal value or have fees paid held in credit for future use (up to a maximum of $200).
All this information and more can be found in our Student Handbook.